**New for version 0.3:

  • Adjusted the filter hook priority so it uses the core [gallery] shortcode function.

  • Also works with the_extract() e.g. on front page and category listings.

  • All images and gallery form one linked gallery per post/page.

Search for “add-rel-lightbox” from your WordPress installation or download the source from:


Where version 0.2 added the capability for add-rel-lightbox to add attributes to image links from the WordPress [gallery] shortcode, it did replace the WordPress core gallery_shortcode() function. Clearly, replacing a function means having to keep the plugin code updated if there are any changes to the relevant core code, so it’s not an ideal solution. However, at the time, I didn’t know how to ensure the link filter ran after the gallery shortcode.

The answer is in the WordPress codex (codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API), where it states:

do_shortcode() is registered as a default filter on 'the_content' with a priority of 11.

So just setting add-rel-lightbox’s filter priority means it will run after all shortcodes by default, and the core gallery_sortcode() can be used.

Also from a suggestion from Jason Spatola, version 0.3 also works with the_excerpt, so images in post excerpts also have lightbox attributes added. But so that all the images on the page aren’t called in one single gallery, the rel="lightbox" now has includes the post number.

<a href="/url/to/ima.ge" rel="lightbox[post-$id]" title="Media description"><img…></a>

Gallery images are also supplemented by post ID, so all local embedded images form one linked gallery per post.

Future Development

I’ve intentionally left out parsing images in comments, and any images from non-embedded locations for this version. In my view, more options need more choices, so the plugin next needs a settings page so administrators can choose what groups of links should be parsed and if they should be a linked gallery.