Happy New year for 2011, which I hope (ironically) will be the year of the Human Powered Vehicle.

I’m going to ignore all of the previous 200+ years of use and technical development, the millions of bicycle riders around the world, the incredible HPV world records and the 100-or-so years of recumbent riding; and just look for an increase in the number of recumbent and velomobile riders this year!

I’m very pleased to see the UK government acknowledging the celebration of Perihelion this year by making it a bank holiday (as a “substitute day” for New Year’s Day). Government recognition is the kind of thing that could make or break this fledgeling science-based holiday… I’ll be celebrating with cake at 7pm (GMT/UT).

In more serious news, I’m pleased to announce that Atomic Duck has been accepted to appear at Maker Faire UK in 2011. I got a very nice, early Christmas present of an email from the organisers, letting me know that my application to appear was accepted.

This means that for the 12-13th March 2011 I’m expecting to have an Atomic Duck prototype at the show in Newcastle. This will be the first public appearance of Atomic Duck and I’d really like to let as many people as possible have a look around it , get into the seat and – if I’m given the space – to have a ride.

Merry Perihelion!