A hardware failure on my file-server this week has left me couple of days behind on CAD work this week, so where I expected to have a near-complete drivetrain assembly and instead, I only have the unfinished parts of one.

However, I’m putting up images of the progress as it is for two reasons: 1. It’s been a while since the last Atomic Duck update, but showing progress is almost as important as finishing; and 2. I said in response to a comment last week that I would show progress this week!

If you haven’t see the last post about chainline layout, then this sprocket arrangement might seem a little strange, but it is designed to provide 220mm of horizontal pedal adjustment, without changing the running length of the chain. This should allow for pedal adjustment for almost any adult rider without having to make any manual change to the chain length, or do any manual tensioning.

A004_R002 WIP Sprocket Detail A004_R002 WIP Sprocket Detail

A004_R002 WIP Chainline Layout A004_R002 WIP Chainline Layout