Deferred Procrastination is owned and run by Patrick Fenner.

A Loughborough University graduate with an MEng (Hons) in Automotive Engineering. He has finished the thesis for his MPhil on work on the buckling properties of aircraft wing skins, which was part-funded by Airbus UK.

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The DoES Tower – a misuse of trust and a 3D printer.

Krate & Co

2D laserable outlines from 3D CAD solids

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Patrick started Deferred Procrastination in May 2010, because he'd been looking for the best job in the world, and when he couldn't find it advertised, created it himself. Now he gets to create the engineering projects he has buzzing round in his head; instead of just thinking about them.

"The days of companies with names like 'General Electric' and 'General Mills' and 'General Motors' are over. The money on the table is like krill: a billion little entrepreneurial opportunities that can be discovered and exploited by smart, creative people."

Cory Doctorow, "Makers

The world still lives with mass-produced products; designed to averaged, normalised, focus grouped specifications, where one-size-doesn't-quite-fit-anyone. It buys proprietary products, locked boxes with stickers that say "warranty void if opened". But contrary to popular misinformation, products are never finished. There is no "best" design. How is what you need the same as what everyone else needs?

What if a product was open? What if you could see the work that went into it? If your ideas were as valid as the designer's and made-at-home was just as good as made-by-us?

That's what we do. Open Source Design Engineering and teaching.

You want to build one too? Good. You want to tinker and improve it for yourself? Great. You want to show everyone else the change you made too? Even better.