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  • Print your own John Carter

    I’ve been coming across quite a few references to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ book “A Princess of Mars” over the past couple of months, from being the story behind Disney’s upcoming film “John Carter of Mars”, to being a classic science fiction text that has inspired many creators. So when it...

  • Putting Dotfiles in Git

    If you’re a Windows user, then you probably won’t have come across dotfiles before. For Mac (a form of Unix) and Linux users, dotfiles hold certain environmental settings and customisations, so if you work on more than one computer, you might like a way of sharing your preferences between them....

  • On the Creative Process

    An upcoming deadline for my thesis rewrites in April means I’ll be reducing the time I’m putting into blog posts until then. There’ll be less original content, but I should still have something up every week. Before I started working on Atomic Duck I, like many people, didn’t fully appreciate...

  • European Velomobile Tour 2013

    Bigest problem facing the expansion of the velomobile market is obscurity. There are plenty of people who could see the practical advantages of using a velomobile, and would interested in owning one, but for the low number of velomobiles around the world meaning that very few people have ever heard...

  • Steering Assembly

    I went through the steering pulley arrangement in detail last week, and here’s the whole steering assembly: [gallery link=”file”] There’s additional support structure around the pulley mount on the dash panel. As it was, the length of the steering column meant that the dash panel would be very easily bent...

  • Solidly Mounted Steering

    well, not solid, it’s no good if you can’t turn the wheel! Before I show the complete steering assembly, I wanted to show the detail of the steering pulley, where the driver’s end of the steering cables connects to the steering wheel and how all the parts clamp up around...

  • Is it a Car or is it a Bike?

    The correct answer is probably: door number three — “neither, it’s a different vehicle that is somewhere between both of them”. I’ve had a re-read recently of Frederik Van De Walle’s Master’s Thesis “The Velomobile as a Vehicle for more Sustainable Transportation” (freely available to download from his site); and...

  • LaTeX-SVG-to-PDF now compatible with LaTeX Project Structure Guidelines

    I’ve pushed a couple up updates to LaTeX-SVG-to-PDF that come from some changes I made to my largest LaTeX project file. Since I converted a long (>100 pages) document from Microsoft Word format to LaTeX, I’ve now split the file down into the separate chapters for easier editing that are...

  • Bottom Bracket and Adjustment

    The bottom bracket structure was not quite ready to show last week (although I put up pictures) but it’s much better this week. If you don’t feel there’s been much obvious progression from those images, you’re not alone, I keep putting in the hours on the CAD, and it doesn’t...

  • Chainline Progress

    A hardware failure on my file-server this week has left me couple of days behind on CAD work this week, so where I expected to have a near-complete drivetrain assembly and instead, I only have the unfinished parts of one. However, I’m putting up images of the progress as it...

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